
JUSTscore Negotiation Tool

Our research includes a documentary that gives a visual insight into the research findings and more.
The outcomes of the project will include:
One of the objectives of the project is to provide recommendations for those who are making policy decisions about sustainable development in the Arctic. Through the case studies made by the research team mapping the current situation in existing economic activities, the results include key recommendations to work towards just, and sustainable development.
The indicators are contributing to the development of a negotiation tool, JUSTscore, for reconciling the intersecting multiple ethics and value systems. This tool will provide a cornerstone for determining the viability of economic activities in the Arctic, as well as clarify policy, legal, and regulatory pathways for implementing ethic-based decision-making principles toward development that is sustainable development.
Our research includes a documentary that gives a visual insight into the research findings and more.
JUSTNORTH is a collaborative project with different insititutions. Get to know who our partner insutitions are.
This project has received funding from the European Union`s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under agreement No 869327
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